Monday, April 18, 2016

Week one...gone

Every day I find a heart love offering somewhere.
I'm feeling like I'm on the bullet train of life.  I don't even have a job and can't seem to accomplish as much as I would like to in a day and the days keep clicking by.

We've had a big rain day and two big wind days.  The temps have been all over the place. 

In this post I'm just going to share some pictures from around the RV park and the desert on our walks.  There's so many varieties of cactus and desert plants all over in the park and many are blooming right now.  
These sandy washes are good leg muscle builders.

This is a giant Argentine cactus.  The flowers were enormous.

This slate fountain at the clubhouse is stunning.

You have to be observant to see the flowers sometimes.

Sacred Thorn Apple bloom, wild

Lots of cool, brain looking rocks

Gracie and Larry looking at the southwestern prickly poppy on the edge of the trail along a big wash.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...