Tuesday, April 05, 2016

More Desert pics

This is a Mesquite tree, an oldie
We've been warming up every day.  Today is overcast but hit 92.  Every morning we take our desert walk.  We've been going earlier to beat the heat.  Gracie might be wearing out.  She's slower and closer to us most days now.  Then there are other days when her nose is sniffing away and she becomes a deaf, stupid dog.

I love these old ironwood trees.  It's amazing how they look half dead but are alive and going strong.  The dead parts are for the beasties and the nutrition of the dirt.  They bloom in May and sadly we'll miss it.

Young Mesquite.  The blooms are those dangly long thingys.

We've seen lots of dead barrel cactus.  Maybe they don't like wet winters?

Beautiful Ironwood texture

The Ironwood canopy, way above me

I wanted you to have perspective on the size of this old, giant Ironwood.  Larry added his finger...hahaha.

Even those upper branches are the size of large trees

This is it from a distance.  I may have to take another one with Larry out there so you can get a sense of its great height.

This crazy baby horned lizard is only a couple inches long, but fierce.  It throws its head back, mouth opens wide and hisses when threatened.

Another old Ironwood

And another. :)

This wash had beautiful blooming Palo Verde trees still blooming.  They are mostly done.

This silver choya reminded me of a little Christmas tree for some reason.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...