Sunday, April 10, 2016

Last night here in Tonopah

Wow, the three months here have flown by!  Even being sick the entire month of February, which ate up a third of our time here, still so quickly gone.  We didn't go anywhere much.  

We won't miss the chicken smells.  Fortunately it's not 24/7, mostly the mornings and evenings, but can waft through at other times.  One night I walked out to take Gracie potty before bed and it smelled exactly like a dirty pit toilet room...ACK.  At times it'll make your eyes burn and mess with your breathing.
Larry with my friend, the giant old Ironwood tree.

Since my post on Tuesday, we've been to Buckeye twice, to the dentist and while there, to Walmart to shop.  Finished up all of our computer work while here too...woohoo!

One of my traveling orchids is blooming!

Today we're just getting everything put away and cleaned up, doing laundry etc. for hitting the road tomorrow.  It's been raining off and on today.  It rained for an hour this morning and we got about 1/3 inch of rain.  Right now there's really black ugly clouds moving over and the drips are starting.  Just as I was thinking about getting over to the activity center and the good wifi to upload my pics and get this post posted.  I think we might get some good thunder.  
Larry & Gracie on our morning walk

We decided to go to Benson, Arizona.  We were there about 10 years ago and there's some stuff we didn't see and do, so we decided to hang out and have some fun there before heading up to Mancos, Colorado.  The nights up there are still really cold and we're liking not freezing and a month either way isn't going to matter.
Day before yesterdays clouds.

Yep, thundering and pouring.  The night before we leave, our wifi internet here at the trailer is working the best ever!  Did all this from the comfort of home...jeez.

Steam rising from Palo Verde nuclear plant

I'm leaning against the trunk of the giant tree looking up into its canopy.
Every single day I spot a heart in nature somewhere. 

This is a cactus blooming in the RV park
Incoming bee

Getting our walk in quick this morning before it starts dripping.
My daily trail heart rock.

Gracie watching for Larry to come along the trail.

Big rain today
The End.  Pooped out Gracie.

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