Sunday, April 20, 2014

Bye Bye Trees

This past Spring, while looking out my kitchen window when at the sink, I've been noticing that there were more dead branches on the closest oak.  I decided to investigate and walked down to scope out the trunk, I discovered that the bottom part of the trunk was rotting and had fungus growing on it.  It is bad having mushrooms growing at the base of an oak tree I figured ON the tree was really bad.  

We had gotten the name of a good tree pro from my cousin, they had work done at their place, because I wanted the ponderosa pines on the hill checked out, so we called and Fred came out for a look see.  

The oaks I was worried about were trouble and they were leaning over our power lines and propane tank.  It was anyone's guess when they would break and fall, we weren't going to find out.  We decided to have the gray pines along our drive removed too, they were growing really fast, are a nuisance (we were always having to trim off branches for the cars) and they tend to fall over.

We were surprised that they put the
trunks in too!
Friday, bright and early the crew showed up with the bucket truck and the chipper, no mess for us to deal with.  They made quick work of the two black oaks, three medium sized gray pines, a couple baby pines and took out dead stuff hanging over our driveway.  They were considerate and efficient and two and a half hours later they drove off, job done.

Taking those oaks out left a blue oak that was previously hidden, front and center and we can see the huge live oak unhindered from the house.  The cool green and shade on the hillside will be missed, but it had to be done.

Dead stuff next.

Before picture.

Winching the big pieces to the chipper.

Raking all the leaves and twigs before dropping the trunks.

All gone.
For sale!  Heavy, green oak rounds!

We decided these two grays had to go also.

The End

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...