Monday, April 07, 2014

Andrea's visit cont.

The visit was quick but everyone had fun.  Chloe's 5th birthday is today so I decided to bake her pink cupcakes (her favorite color) and do a little birthday celebration after dinner on Saturday.  The weather was beautiful so the kids had fun running around outside.  The creek was running still so that had great entertainment value.

Connor, Chloe, Destiny

Ian looking on, he's getting so tall.

Gracie claimed a lap.

Chloe in one of her new outfits

Ian, Chloe, Larry

A couple of "fun guys"

Ian, Andrea and me playing Mexican Train.
Connor just played with the trains. :)

Cute couple!  Andrea and Connor


Gracie wasn't thrilled with this lap situation.

Isiaih writing music on his phone...bored in other words...haha.

Grating cheese for the kids lunch.

Destiny, another bored teenager.

He told me he was thinking.

Andrea, Chloe and Connor on the hunt for a doe
they saw go in the deer trail as the kids call it.

They flushed the doe out, they didn't see her and as they
continued down the trail the doe stood at the top
of the trail and watched them.  Funny.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...