Wednesday, April 02, 2014


It is cold today, mostly sunny and we did NOT freeze or get snow yesterday!!!  YAY!  I may get a first bloom of roses that don't have outer petals of brown crunchiness from frost/snowburn.

I am trying to get you all caught up so I can see if I can get back into posting regularly.  I get too far behind and then can't decide what to share and then share nothing. 

I still haven't shared any of our back east pics with you...on my list.  I am working on three knitting/crochet projects, taking photos, trying to stay caught up on cataloguing and doing my self awareness work.  I was going to say self improvement, but that would have been incorrect.  Another story entirely.

Seth & Larry burning last Tuesday

We both enjoy playing the Wii with the boys when they visit.
They were bike racing here.

My new mini african violets

I think I am keeping these fingerless mitts.  I gave away
the first pair and am making a third right now.
They are wonderfully warm

Shasta on our way back from Yreka on Friday.  We met
Michelle there to give her back her boy.  The weather hadn't been good, so more snow on the mountains.
Shasta had its own cloud and some of that may have been blowing snow, it was windy.

The following pictures are of the garden getting ready to burst out with color.

The new roses in the box will catch up surprisingly quickly
with my older in the ground bushes.

The pistache trees are finally getting ready to open their leaves,
they are doing their funky blooming, not really flowers.

The roses on the arbor are great growers, but though they are supposed to be resistant
to blackspot I have not found that to be true.  I should have sprayed them as soon as their
leaves erupted but the weather turned and they got spotty.  Once they do they lose those leaves.  I gave them their second spray between rain showers this week hoping to put a stop to the deleafing.
 I may rip them out if this keeps being a problem...rose canes with no leaves aren't very attractive.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...