Oddly my azalea is blooming again. |
Had quite the unexpected weather today. Woke up to it pouring rain at 6:45. It quit by 7. But surprisingly we had three more cloud bursts and then it rained solidly for two and a half hours at least, with sporadic rainfall until sunset. Had a bit of thunder too. Needless to say Gracie and I stayed inside for much of the day. It stayed under 65 degrees most all day too, once the rain mostly quit around fourish it got up to 74 but the sun never came out beyond a slight ray peaking through now and then.
Yesterday morning from the garden bench. |

Yesterday was a pleasant weather day, a bit warmer than expected. I've been playing catch up with my knit mystery square project. I still hadn't completed July's square as of Friday and I've August's square to do and yesterday I expected and received September's pattern. So I knit away and I finished July's on Saturday, began August's and am about half way through it, I should get all caught up by the end of this month. The knitting police might fine me...hahaha.

Gracie is bored with me and needs a hike on the trails, but I'm not comfortable walking over there with lions, bears, and maybe a random crazed serial killer with just Gracie and pepper spray for protection. We've taken a few walks down to the highway and back but nothing like she does with Larry. He will be home tomorrow evening for a few days and then back up there until they finish the thing.
The asian pears are ripening and the wildlife is actually letting us get some for the first time since we've been here. Boy are they yummy, crisp and juicy. Larry was worried he would miss them. They are delicate, if they drop to the ground they split open and bruise beyond redemption and become deer and fox food up on the hill.

Woo hoo, 36 year anniversary for Larry and I tomorrow!
Today's rain |
Gracie bored and forlorn, missing her friend. |
These are the sunset we caught as Gracie and I took a little stroll after being mostly inside all day. |
My wishbone plant, isn't it cool. |
Sitting right outside the garden fence. |
Gracie barked herself hoarse at the bad, bad, pear thief! |
A sinister closeup of the mangy beast. |
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