Friday, September 06, 2013

Happy 36th Anniversary to us!

My roses and mug, and all the cookies I baked for
my love.
Tuesday, Larry made it home before dark.  Gracie let out a scream and flew off of my lap when she saw Larry come around the back of the camper, she about wriggled out of her skin and she talked away to him.  It was our 36th anniversary so a nice present to have him home for a few days.  He brought me a bouquet of red roses and a huge handmade mug from the Strawhouse coffee place on highway 299.  I love it there and he knows me well, because I will probably put a plant in it or use it for flowers because it holds more coffee than I normally drink in a morning.  Your husband has been gone too long when you clean and bake cookies like company is coming for a visit.

Wednesday morning Larry prepared to leave for his hike, we both expected Gracie to be hopping to go, BUT she stayed glued to her perch and was NOT going with him.  Contrary female, she was showing HIM what she thought of his defection from funny.  Late that afternoon we went to Auburn for anniversary dinner at a little Italian restaurant, very good food.

The weather has been great, Larry got caught up on stuff he wanted and needed to do, we got his hair cut and he cut Gracie's nails so everyone is in tiptop shape.

Traffic on the hill, deer and turkey.
Tomorrow he leaves to go back to Willow Creek, I take Gracie to a friends, have neighbors watching things and I am going to be gone until late next week.  I am going on my first ever solo personal retreat.  The food is wonderful, I can do yoga and meditation, get a massage and walk trails all over the place, mostly I will be contemplating my inner self...NOT my innards, I know a couple of you smart asses were thinking it.  No cell service but maybe wifi, as much as I love you guys I'm taking a break while I'm there...the whole point of going is no distractions.

Have a great week!  September is moving along.

The asian pears are ripening and the wildlife
is letting us have a bunch this year.

The tree is loaded and they are juicy and yummy.

One of my favorite oaks on our hike.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...