Friday, April 12, 2013


I don't think I showed you my finished sock.
This yarn is really hard to work with so until
I get better at socks I'm thinking this ONE is going
to be Gracie's Christmas sock...haha.
So busy!  We've had storms and cold, but now it has warmed up and the garden is changing hourly.  The tulips, daffodils and pear tree are done blooming and now the carnations, clematis and dutch iris are busting out.  All the perennials and gladioli are getting larger and taller ever day.  I have been busy pulling out seedlings where I don't want them and pulling up plants that are getting too aggressive.  I've moved several things around and the garden is looking so lush already.  The third spring here and it is amazing how much the garden has changed and grown.

This was a few weeks ago.

The pear tree at it's peak bloom.

The last of my daffodils.

We were without internet for two whole days, it was like being cut off from the world.  A big thunder storm came through here on Easter Sunday, we were at a friends for dinner, but came home to discover that we couldn't get online.  Larry discovered that all our internet components, the modem, the router and the battery backup gizmo had all been zapped and fried like he had never seen before.  Our computers were fine, but the circuit that the stuff was on had popped and a couple of our GFI's had popped too.  It was a puzzle and we'll probably never know what happened...did the pole get hit, did a strong lightning bolt hit nearby and a strong static charge roll down the phone line?  Our neighbors said the noise shook their house.  That was the most exciting thing since I've last checked in.
The first carnation, yummy.

The wildflowers are peaking here and hopefully
we are done with rain for awhile so we can get them all cut soon.
Wild iris popping open daily.

Ian stayed with us a few days, we went to Ukiah for a night and came home with Larry's Mom and she's staying with us for a couple of weeks.

So beyond being entertained every day by the lizards and watching a robin squeeze into Gracie's water dish to bathe when there are four perfectly lovely bird baths placed around the garden, all is good in our world.
The garden from the hill, look at those climbing roses
and clematis vines and everything!

That's all for tonight.  I've more pictures to share but I'm going to quit for now.  Until tomorrow!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...