Monday, April 29, 2013

Time for pictures

Ha!  Like I never share any pictures with you all!  I had nowhere to go this morning and it was finally a morning that I didn't get chicken skin while being outside so I grabbed the camera and the tripod to get pictures of the iris.  As I finished with the iris, I turned to go back inside when the light on the roses caught my attention, so off to the flower garden I went, then the light on the pansies flashed at me and then I had to see what the light was doing on the carnations.  I hadn't even combed my hair or washed my face yet, but it was warming up so I decided to get my food plants planted while the sun wasn't so intense.  The plants don't care what I look like and I got it all done before breakfast, if I had waited the sun would have been high and me and the plants would have gotten toasty.  I have to take pictures, but I planted 3 kinds of tomatoes, 3 zucchini plants and 3 lemon cucumber.  A fun morning for me!

Hotlips salvia

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...