Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What else?

Big surprise, more pictures of the yard and garden, it is just so lovely and it isn't even summer yet.  I wish you all could see it in person.  Today was pilates, consulting with Larry as he put in more drippers for another section of the yard, working in the garden and giving Gracie a bath.  That little short haired dog sheds more than anything I've ever seen.
We are loving our orange monkey flowers.

So much color!

This is where the persimmon tree was that our neighbor took and planted
down in their yard.  It gets the most sun so I put my few vegetables here.
Three kinds of tomatoes, lemon cukes and zucchini.

White clematis, the flowers are the size of dessert plates.

The first red rose to open.

The first yellow, Radiant Perfume, and it has the
truest rose scent of them all.
Looking from under the pear tree.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Time for pictures

Ha!  Like I never share any pictures with you all!  I had nowhere to go this morning and it was finally a morning that I didn't get chicken skin while being outside so I grabbed the camera and the tripod to get pictures of the iris.  As I finished with the iris, I turned to go back inside when the light on the roses caught my attention, so off to the flower garden I went, then the light on the pansies flashed at me and then I had to see what the light was doing on the carnations.  I hadn't even combed my hair or washed my face yet, but it was warming up so I decided to get my food plants planted while the sun wasn't so intense.  The plants don't care what I look like and I got it all done before breakfast, if I had waited the sun would have been high and me and the plants would have gotten toasty.  I have to take pictures, but I planted 3 kinds of tomatoes, 3 zucchini plants and 3 lemon cucumber.  A fun morning for me!

Hotlips salvia

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Garden pics

We had a nice relaxing visit with Larry's Mom Carol.  She went back home on Thursday.  The weather is heating up and my garden is exploding.  We spent much of the day working in the garden...planting new plants and getting sprinklers on them, Larry mowed the meadow and we then relaxed on the deck in the shade admiring our colorful kingdom.

Sunning duo

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day!

I enjoyed my little piece of the Earth today!  Larry and I took a hike and enjoyed the wildflowers.
Today's pictures I took after having breakfast in the garden.  I was amazed at how daily the scene changes with new explosions of color.


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...