Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Gray Gloomy end of Winter 3-13

Saturday morning as it was clouding up.
I'm glad I thought to get pictures of the plum and pluot tree because it has started raining and is supposed to be raining or cloudy for the next 10 days.  I'm sure somewhere in there the blooms will start raining off the trees.  The asian pear has started blooming but as it is slower we may get to see it in all its glory after this spate of rainy weather.  

The daffodils are sublimely nodding in the wind and rain, their yellow faces bright spots in the gloom.  If they start to look like they are going to get hammered into the ground I'll go out and pick them and bring them inside.

Larry got crazy and dug some steps into this steep hillside.  They are close to the oak and a few of its roots are exposed now...it didn't know it needed a manicure.  Larry used the dirt to reinforce the edge of our path and it looks like a crazed gopher was out there.

I am still doing three Pilates classes a week.  I am making progress.  As I get stronger and a teensy bit more flexible I learn that I have so very much more to work on.  The instructor will introduce a new move that I would never have been able to contort into back in the beginning...I can now manage, BUT find that I have extreme weakness in certain muscles.  It is all extremely fascinating in spite of the challenges.  The day after I might wonder what the hell I was thinking and entertain the idea of backing off for a bit.  But I go the next day and sure enough, feel really good for having gone.  Dag blame it!!!!  The need for exercise just ticks me off.  

Though what else I think I might be doing I have no idea.  I have been in a state of doing nothing much.  I don't feel like reading, painting, knitting, crocheting....I move from room to room....napping doesn't even work...ha ha!  I must be processing and fermenting.  I'll call it resting, like a loaf of yeasty bread...I am getting ready to raise up into some new    exciting form/project.  NOT that I want to expand like the bread...I could tell Uncle Gene was thinking some nasty comment...tee hee!

Okay, I am done babbling for this week.  Off to go stand by one of the windows and watch the wind blow and the rain fall...

Larry hooked the computer up to Gigantor TV!
My photos are fabulously fun to see this way!!!

Our very expensive picture frame!!!!

This is a baby lizard that I have been watching grow up.
It lives under a stair and has doubled in size since last spring, though it is still smallish.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...