Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring is springing all over the place 3-25

When I left off over a week ago we were in the midst of a stormy week.  By the time it finished we had gotten 8 inches of rain and the last night had to dust us with snow.  After the snow melted that morning we had cold, clouds, rain and hail the rest of the day.  We've gotten a few peeks from the sun this past week, but the last couple of days have brought back torrential rains.

I made the decision to pack it in on torturing myself over learning/doing watercolor painting.  I had a lot invested in supplies and workshops, but still hadn't really taken the time required to practice and improve.  I decided to pack it all up and take it to Michelle who wants to get back into it.  I figured if I hadn't gotten comfortable with watercolor in 15 years and after carting the stuff all over the country with us in the trailer it was time to move on.  Now I can quit worrying about it and I may someday try another medium or just devote myself to the stuff I really, really love and have been doing since about age 10 like photography, knitting, crochet and gardening.

This past Thursday we were all set to meet Michelle in Yreka to snag Seth but northern Oregon had gotten over 7 inches of snow and the roads were a mess, and as no one really wants to make that long of a drive torturous when the next day was supposed to be bad-weather free we decided to meet on Friday.  We were all glad we had waited because a 12 hour day on the road doesn't need to be made any longer.

So we have Seth until this Friday when we get to hit the road again.  We are having lots of fun.  I played chess for the first time in about 37 years with Seth.  He is a very good teacher...because surprisingly I won.  I told him I liked learning from him...he didn't make me cry.  Learning from my step-Dad was not fun....only after all this time have I had the patience to try and remember what all those funny shaped little pieces are supposed to do.

We've been out taking pictures, playing Wii fit plus....lots of crazy fun games on that and wandering around outside enjoying nature.

I am making wonderful pilates progress.  I am still going three times a week and yesterday seemed to turn a corner.  I am mostly out of pain, have built up enough muscle to finally feel like I have something to actually build up, can move easier and my bones and joints are moving into proper alignment.  Yesterday for the first time I was starting to feel stronger and pushed myself more than I ever have...woo hoo.  I'm finally starting to feel "normal" again instead of 90 plus years old.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...