Thursday, December 29, 2011

Helloooooooooooo! 12-29

Almost two weeks since my last post.  Shocking and we had a lot going on here and there but with the computer not at full speed and worrying about saving/transferring, I'll just wait.  After today's post it might be a few days to a week before the next one.  Our hard drive is arriving today which means Larry will be busy over the next several days getting Ruby set up again.  Ruby is what I call our main computer as she is the red one :)  He will be getting everything that we have collected over the years back onto and running on the new hard drive.  Lucky for us he is able to do this and no he doesn't hire out!  He hates doing it...the curse of being so smart :)

We had a great Christmas.  There was a family Christmas gathering at Larry's brothers home with family over from Hawaii and Auntie & Uncle from hmmm, well for now from Nevada.  The Oregonians weren't there and two cousins had to work but we all had fun catching up and of course eating, watching the kids play and seeing the newest teeny member of the family.  Christmas day we spent with our dearest friends.  The weather was nice so driving back and forth was not a problem...we love sleeping in our own bed and if we are within four hours drive it is just easier.

Two days after Christmas I had all the decorations put away.  It is always so refreshing, because after the big day it just seems like so much clutter.

We had eight bucks in the yard yesterday afternoon, three were spikes, but Big Daddy wasn't among them.  There was a 4x3 and two 2x2's (that is how many points on each antler on their head, our way of telling about them) and I can't remember the rest.  I got pictures but they are in the camera still.  I received a new telephoto lens for my camera for Christmas so practice, practice for me.  So far just pics of birds on the birdbath and deer.

The only other wildlife story to share is the 17th our neighbor got a picture of the backside of a LARGE mountain lion moving past his infrared/battery auto camera he had set up on a trail below his house.  By the broadness and the drag of the belly he figured about 200 pounds...BIG KITTY.  You know they are out there somewhere and seeing proof is fun.

I have been busy crocheting hats and knitting scarves.   Oh, I need to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ian today.  Nine years old....can't be said enough...well, we just can't seem to stop saying it,...he is growing up so fast!
This was made with superfine sock yarn.  I haven't used yarn this small ever before.

Our last rose of this year, I will be pruning all the bushes back here in another week or so.

Some of the fun hats I've crocheted.

Larry's pic on one of his daily hikes.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...