Thursday, April 01, 2010

In Ukiah 4-1

We pulled out of the RV Park in Auburn at ten. It was cold and cloudy but as we went down the road we hit some sunshine for a bit, but not much…not enough for the poppies to open except along highway 80 mostly. We took I-80 west to I-5 north to state highway 20 west to 101 south to Ukiah.
It was so green everywhere with the tall grass and the oaks just leafing out that it almost hurt the eyes…very bright. The mustard was tall and yellow and the redbuds were just past their peak but still a nice splash of purple-pink against the green….in some places the wildflowers made a multi-colored carpet…yellow, pink, purple, blue and orange.
Most all the mountains had fresh snow on them and it was a surprise to see it in Mendocino county too, I forgot to pull it out, I’ll post it tomorrow, but it was odd to see patches of snow above Clear Lake with all the spring colors.
I kept my eye peeled for this winery that is always surrounded by flowers…it is the Tulip Hill winery and we had to stop so I could walk around and get pictures. They were a little beat up by the recent rains and cold but still a colorful montage of scrumptious color…tulips, pansies, Icelandic poppies and more.
We made only a few stops…California’s highways are so bumpy and rough they were rough on the bladder. It was nice to see Lake Mendocino full. We arrived in Ukiah at the RV Park exactly four hours after we left. We had traveled 178 miles. It was cold, cloudy and windy but at least not raining.
After getting set up and settled, and having something to eat we went over to Andrea and Will’s…this cute little smiling face greeted us at the door. Connor is a smile bug…I’m sure he does it with everyone, but he made us feel special. He was fascinated with the colors and the tie on my shirt and kept smiling over at his Grandpa. A happy boy. Ian was at his Dad’s, we’ll see him tomorrow.

This blog is getting on my last nerve. I type it up with proper paragraph breaks, even spread them out to make room for the pictures....looks good in the preview and then it posts all running together...I'll figure it out eventually but I am going to bed now. Just didn't want you thinking I flunked English class in high school! :)

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...