We stopped at the big beach just south of Crescent City for our toast around ten, it was drizzling a bit
but the wind wasn’t blowing which was nice. I took a little walk along the beach while Larry was on the phone and found my heart shaped rock…I find them everywhere and have a collection of them
from all over the place. Sadly there was one in Colorado that I had to leave behind, it was pink and about the size of a basketball…I still regret not getting it….anyway I digress.

The Jedediah Smith Redwoods are just stunning to drive through…one of these days we’ll have to camp at the campground there. The road is windy and narrow in places and with towing the trailer we were going slow enough that even in the low light I was able to get a few decent shots of the forest. The rivers are all very full with all the good rain and traveling north I was able to enjoy the Smith River…it was the most stunning blue and so clear you could see the rocks on the bottom and there were multiple waterfalls along the hillsides flowing into the river all along the way. It was on my side of the road for m
ost of the way. We haven’t been on that road very much and we were thinking this was maybe the first time in this direction and certainly the first in the spring.

As we passed into Oregon the sun was out and stayed that way the rest of the day! We picked up I-5 at Grants Pass and headed on north to Albany. Everything was blindingly green and wildflowers and blooming trees were everywhere. We got to Albany at 4:30 and got ourselves set up and then went over
to Michelle and Darel’s…Seth, as always was very happy to see us. We visited for a bit, loaded up Seth and his stuff and headed back home as Seth was spending the night. With him in school all week we have to get in the overnighters while we can!

It was 340 miles from Arcata to Albany…a long travel day for us, but was a nice one. We always feel bad cruising by and not stopping at Uncle Marty and Aunt Millie’s, but they are just far enough off the highway and with the trailer it’s just not feasible to stop…plus we always seem to be going against the clock. Even us footloose people have timetables…shocking but true. So hello you two…we were thinking of you!

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