Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Springy Winter Day 2-14

Ah, I have so missed seeing all the flowers and green in February! Living fourteen years in snow country where, if you were lucky, you might see a daffodil blooming in the mud and snow slush as early as April and sometimes still saw snow on your blooming trees in May and the past six years being all over the place and most often still in the desert it is refreshing!

The day before yesterday outside of a feed store where they had feeders in the tree, the tree was decorated for spring with colorful Gold Finches…there were about a hundred of them at one time.

Yesterday we drove to Citrus Heights to visit family that we hadn’t seen in about 20 years…our own fault…and along the way the redbuds and other trees were starting to bloom, the mustard and even a few patches of California Poppies.

Today the sun was out for most of the day and we drove down 49…got held up by hundreds of bikers holding up traffic, breaking the law and in one steady unending stream made illegal left turns onto 49 at a T intersection, holding up traffic along 49 in both directions for almost 10 minutes. You don’t mind waiting for a few at a time, but the arrogance that you had to wait for ALL of them was annoying and rude.

Anyway, that was the only blight on a gorgeous winter day. Hope all of yours was sunny and peaceful!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...