Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Enjoying the Sun 2-17

Today was sunny and warm and as the weather will be going back to winter this weekend and as far as we can tell will go for at least 10 days being gray and rainy we went exploring. We went to see the old Historic Courthouse. You can see it from the highway and is very stately looking...amazing to think it had gotten into such a state of disrepair that tearing it down was considered. Its foundation is huge granite blocks and for a foundation it was beautiful. The rest of the building was beautiful also. There is a museum of Auburn history inside, the old Sheriff office is restored and on display and there are beautiful displays of local indian basket weaving and leather work. It is also still a working courthouse, though I believe there are other court venues too, we just didn't search them out today.
We then walked around old historic Auburn and had a wonderful lunch at the Brewery. It was a busy area and must be a crazy zoo in the summer, but it was nice to see so many of the old buildings still in use. It was a strong contrast to Tombstone, AZ, where it seemed most all the old buildings have been remodeled inside with sheetrock or wall board and only looked historical on the outside...sadly a commercial tourist trap. Auburn has done a great job of restoring and maintaining its history.
I have more pics, but these are all I'm posting today and I didn't even make them prettier.
Andrea and her family went up to visit Michelle's family this past weekend and I put in a Grandma order for a picture of the three Grandson's all together. What a handsome trio...Ian is 7 and in the red shirt, his half brother Connor is the 3.5 month cutie baby, (Andrea's) and Seth in yellow is 5 1/2 and is Michelle's. I love Connor's is saying, Really?

1 comment:

~Andrea~ said...

damn, we have handsome kids!!!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...