Thursday, February 04, 2010

Nothing going on

Yesterday was laundry. Today we took a walk for the first time in weeks. Larry’s heel is finally feeling better, we didn’t go as far as we would normally. We found the back way to Safeway from here which has a Starbucks…nice.

I have decided to quit the white death….again. Sugar. I did quit 8 years ago and then eased back into having it again…it just isn’t needed or good for the body and I LOVE the stuff.

Our big excursion today we went to the bank and to the Health Food Store. It is very windy and pouring rain tonight. We had neighbors move in next to us, hopefully they are considerate neighbors.

Not much else is really going on.

1 comment:

cavan said...

i am considering reducing my sugar too, and at least being more conscience of it...i love candy :)


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...