Tuesday, April 15, 2008

On the Road Again! 4-15-08

It rained last evening, more than expected. We pulled out of the Ukiah Fairgrounds at 8:47. The price for Diesel fuel when we left today was $4.29 and when we arrived in Ukiah a week ago it was $4.15.

We stopped for toast at our usual place on the west side of Clearlake Oaks. It was windy today but clear. We took highway 20 to I-5 south. We stopped for potty breaks twice at rest areas along 5. We fueled up at Santa Nella and paid $4.21 a gallon. I’m doing this from memory so I might be off a tenth…we got 26.5 gallons and it was $115 dollars…and for us that is half a tank. We pulled around back to have some lunch and by the time we got back on the road…about a half hour…the price had gone up 2 cents. It is CRAZY!

So we kept on keeping on until we got onto Highway 58 east out of Bakersfield. We are staying at a “resort” and right now there is a helicopter whopping away above us, the train rumbles by about every 50 minutes and some rude people two rows over have that thunking loud speaker system in their truck….only one night…it is quieter in truck stops!

It was mostly still green everywhere, the hills to the west of I-5 are only green for a very short time. As we got farther south they became brown. The nut trees are all leafed out and loaded with nuts. Outside of Bakersfield were fields of rose bushes. I just never had a good photo “op” today.

We landed at 6:30 and we traveled 443 miles today. We are heading for Alamogordo, New Mexico for a couple of weeks.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...