Today we went into town and drove through Alamogordo to reacquaint ourselves with
its layout. We found the visitors center and came out with a pile of info. Then we stopped at Auto Zone so we could have the trucks computer read. They do it for free, where at the dealership it can cost from one to two hundred dollars. Nothing too terrible seems to be wrong, Larry got the wrench he needs to get the fuel filter off and once that is done we should be good to go. Some other thingy needs to get cleaned off and that is all. Took the guy about a minute, he plugged his handheld computer into the port under our dash and presto….we had our information. Very helpful, nice people in there.
The weather was in the low 70's and just a very light breeze....gorgeous. It is very quiet and peaceful at this RV Park. It has bathrooms and showers...
Hey, Uncle Gene and Auntie Bon, if one had a truck and camping gear, and if one had never been to New Mexico and if one's favorite Nephew and favorite Nephew's Spouse
were hanging out for a week or two and one wanted to do some exploring...maybe one would take a road trip! Hmmmmmm...just thinking out loud. Tee's that coffee?
These pictures were taken from our trailer door.
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