Thursday, April 17, 2008

Reached our Destination 4-17-08

We headed out at 8:10 this morning. The wind wasn’t as bad today. We took I40 east to Holbrook where I got this picture of the famous Wigwam motel rooms. Then we took 180 from there to Springerville, AZ. From Springerville we picked up 60 to Socorro, NM, then 25 south for a bit to 380 east and at Carrizozo we headed south on 54 to Tularosa, NM.

The truck gave us some grief for about 70 miles and then started working better again. Larry thinks it may be the fuel filter, but he’ll figure it out tomorrow and if he can’t then off to the Chevy shop he’ll go.

We stopped at a pull out near the VLA, Very Large Array…hey I didn’t name it, where Larry checked the trucks fuses and I got these pictures of the huge “satellite dishes”. From a distance they looked like flowers with their faces pointed at the sun, but as I watched them while Larry was busy they very slowly changed position constantly. The public is welcome there and one day we’ll have to stop in and check out what they are looking at out there in space! There were about 25 of them.

The pictures before the Array are in Arizona and the ones after are in New Mexico. Much of the terrain we covered today was at high elevations, five to eight thousand feet, it seemed like we would get over one mountain and have to climb another. It was cold, windy and mostly range land. Way more cattle out in that country than people! We crossed the Continental Divide east of Pie Town, NM and the elevation there was 7796 and we climbed some more after that. We didn’t drop down until we dropped into Socorro and its elevation is around 4605 feet.

We are now in Mountain Time and we landed here at Mountain Meadows RV in Tularosa, NM at 6:50 and we traveled 427 miles. Diesel here this evening was 4.059. We are away from the highway and the train tracks at least a couple miles, so it should be peaceful here….time will tell! This morning at 5:30 a Grackle...a very vocal southwest bird was outside our window announcing himself quite loudly.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...