Monday the queen set for the guest room was delivered. They called to say they would be late, which was nice, but they were in an all fired hurry to get things dropped so they could get on down the road. I didn’t notice the condition of the mattress until they were gone of course…two edges were totally busted. Just gently pushing with my hand I could compress the side of the mattress by half…not right. So I was on the phone with the furniture store. We were going to Reno the next day so we agreed to stop and pick out a new mattress for them to exchange.

In case you haven’t noticed the pattern yet, it seems that there is no such thing as quality control any longer. We have never had any reason to buy so many new things, and I would say we have had problems with 95% of the things we have purchased. I really think that most people are so busy in their daily lives that they just settle with what ever they get. I discovered that about myself these past couple of weeks. I don’t like confrontation and just want things to go smoothly, but I realize I do a great disservice to myself by settling. I worry that people think I’m too picky or am being a pain in the ass by wanting things done correctly and I have decided that “they” don’t know me and if we don’t start caring about things being done right our standards just keep sliding down the tubes. I just have to stick to my guns until stuff gets done right, after all it’s my money paying for it! I’ll imagine being like two women I really admire for their ability to get things done, Larry’s Aunt Bonnie and my Cousin Pat. If they can do it, so can I…I just sometimes forget that I am a grown up.
Tuesday we went to Reno and got our mattress issue resolved, though as of today the exchange still hasn’t been made. We also exchanged the two night stands and Larry put them together in the parking lot on the bed of our truck to make sure all the parts were there.
Wednesday I hauled in all the books from the trailer that I have been carting around the

The truck is grounded at Chevy waiting for its new fuel injectors. If we had kept driving it we would have done serious damage to the engine, I guess they found fuel in the oil. It has a mere 83,000 miles or so on it, but I guess some are having this problem as we got a notice about it. We didn’t get the rental car until the next day.
Thursday Larry put shelves in one of the closets for some of my books. We got our rental, a compact Pontiac G5. They are working on getting us a truck. We hauled in all the perishables and necessities. It was simply amazing what we packed in that trailer and what efficient storage it has. BUT, we also discovered a lot of stuff that just needed to be thrown away and gotten rid of. We humans just love hanging onto “stuff” and on so many levels…but that is another tangent.
I felt very sad to be unloading my home of the last 4 years and I just kept reminding myself it is just a reorganizing and we’ll be back on the road soon! Larry figures we’ll be so much lighter we can get a smaller truck…just kidding, our humor is returning!
We have been on redecorating burnout, but we are nearing the end finally. Neither one of us want to quit traveling, a house is a HUGE anchor; we could have just left the house empty and for sale, but it would have just deteriorated and that just isn’t our style. Musty, dingy, animal smells aren’t big selling points. We don’t intend to quit traveling but there is always something that needs to be done with a house. Our trailer needed things too, but we could take care of it where ever we were! This is just another change that we are adapting too. Everything happens for a reason and we belong here for now.
So Thursday after we unloaded everything we needed to get out of it, Larry pulled the plug on the trailer and it is on ice for the next few months! Literally right now with it being so cold!
Yesterday, Larry traded the cigarette smelly compact rental for a bigger Yukon. They are still trying to get us a truck, but at least we could fit something bigger than a shoebox in the back of the thing! We also continued putting things away in their new home, cleaning and Larry put in an outlet and switch for a light in our little pantry. He also installed our lovely new chandelier in the kitchen. The one that was here was shiny brass and it was all you could see when you looked in the kitchen and the glass looked like overturned cheap candy dishes…it was ugly.
I mopped all the floors for the first time now that all the dusty, dirty work has been done. They came out very shiny, which was surprising because there had been a cleaning agency that had cleaned the house from top to bottom before we took possession and the floors were dull, I just assumed that the finish was gone on them. Now I’m guessing that they were either never cleaned or whatever the agency used left a nasty film on the floors. But then I forget all the things that still weren’t cleaned even after the agency came back a second time. We weren’t impressed with their work.
Today we bought a TV, DVD, VCR combo set. We wanted simple and not a lot of wire or different boxes hanging about. It is the biggest TV we have ever owned at 27 inches and is huge compared to the 13 inch one we have been watching. We might have done permanent damage straining our eyes trying to see that thing from across the room! We also found a nice low profile stand for it, unfortunately size doesn’t help the fact that we still can’t seem to find anything to watch on the silly thing!
I told Larry that the truck had better get fixed soon or it’ll be replaced by this Yukon we have been able to drive. It is comfortable and handles nicely. Our truck needs a football field to turn in with its long wheelbase and being able to turn on a dime in and out of parking is a joy.

Here are the pictures of the lovely job my electrician Larry did of our bathroom light fixtures.

We hope to take a day off and go on a field trip sometime this next week. We need to get out of this cloud of interior pollution for a few hours and not a field trip to a Home Depot, Lowe’s or Wal-Mart! Just sky and fresh air, Nevada has a lot of both!

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