Friday, July 04, 2014

Happy Independence Day!

We are busy busy busy!  Andrea's family arrived yesterday and are here until Tuesday, they just have three of the kids this time, Connor, Chloe and Ian.  They are in Auburn watching fireworks and I'm recovering from an hour of doing Wii's Just Dance for the first time ever.  I kicked my 11 year old grandson's and 33 year old daughter's butts!!!  Woo hoo, the Grandma can still dance!!!!  LOL!  It's only been 40 years since my last dance class, so not bad. Now whether I can walk tomorrow will be another thing.

So, I still have to get through my camping trip pictures, I will try to get them posted soon.  Here are the pictures I took with Lori while she was out here.  I need to get the pictures she took on her drive back into the past, she got some pretty pictures around Rodeo and Crockett.

Our very good friend had a heart attack on Monday and since we heard about it on Wednesday we've been pulling for her.  She was lucky enough to be near a hospital or she would not have made it, so lots of love and prayers her way.

It's been in the high 90's here.  And nothing like a decomposing buck over the property line to add the occasional eau de stink to the air when the wind blows just right, ahhhh, country living.

We went to see Mom's resting place.

Me with cousin Mike and Linda Bergen

Lori with our cousins Keith Corral on left
and Scott Thompson on right.

Of course I have to have a picture of a flower!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...