Monday, July 28, 2014

Flowers, flowers, flowers

Saturday I went wine tasting with my friend.
Sunday I deemed it a day free from the computer and my smart phone.  It was nice.  It was overcast and while Larry and Gracie were on their hike I took pictures.  Bright overcast can be good to take pictures in, the light isn't the blue color of shade and you don't have to deal with the high contrast of full sun.  I broke out my 10x filter and played with it for the closeups.  These are straight from the camera, no cropping and no editing of light or color.

center of clematis

tomato flower

succulent flower

rose stamens

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Four Years here today!

Not much new with us.  No new beastie sightings since the baby fox.  We scoped out one of the access points to the south fork American River, been doing our various hobbies and picking tomatoes, zucchini and flowers.

Today is the four year mark for being here, time sure flies.  The place doesn't look the same...thank goodness.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Today's Nature AHHHHH!

Today's nature AHHHHHH from our back door! I was really lucky to look out the window and get to my camera and back. Two kits and mama fox. It was amazing to watch one of the kits scale the huge oak and stop at least twelve feet above ground before realizing it was being left behind by its sibling who had followed mama. The parents aren't skittish so when I opened the back door and clicked pictures from the deck mama looked up but didn't just take off. We've been out at dark and at dusk and the adults go right past us fairly close. This is the first time seeing the kits. It explains their god awful weird barking the last few nights. We're happy to have the fox around so they will keep the ground squirrel and other rodent populations in check. I imagine if we had chickens we wouldn't love them so much.

I put this in for perspective.  The other kit is behind the mama
way over to the far left.  The tree in front of the kit on the
right is the one the kit scaled.

Following after mama as she slinks off into the shrubs.

Time to go back down!

Here I come Mama!

Sunday, July 13, 2014


We haven't been doing much, just relaxing and enjoying the peace and beauty here every day.  Lori emailed me a couple of pictures she took of my with my cousins and I forgot to post pics of the kids when they were here so here they are.  Have a wonderful week!

Gracie has so many expressions!

So does Connor...hahahaha!

I was walking past the garden
and this reflection caught my eye.


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...