Thursday, June 12, 2014

Garden update

Not much new here.  We've been dealing with a nasty upper respiratory thingy, and for me it has now been two weeks and longer for Larry and we still aren't free of it.  In spite of no energy and going through mountains of tissues I've gotten out in the garden for a bit every morning.  We had a few days of really hot weather, hit 100 but it has been windy too, so things are drying out.

Many of the roses are recharging, the carnations are winding down and other stuff like the alyssum and verbena are taking off.  My new roses were losing leaves like crazy, was it too much water?  Not enough water?  Then I realized the problem was spider mites...horrible infestation, I've never really had them much so I was slow to catch it.  I hope the bushes start recovering soon.  

We lost a large branch on the asian pear tree to borers, hopefully thats all and the rest of the tree is okay.  I love that tree for its beautiful shade, its a pretty tree.  The plums are starting to ripen and we've had some strawberries.

I keep the birdbaths filled with fresh water and we've had all kinds of finches this spring.  They were really shy but they are getting used to us this year and aren't so skittish.  We have a couple of fox that trot through the yard daily and they move along whether we're there  or not, like they think they are invisible to us.
Pineapple sage and thyme

My yucca is blooming.  It is
a piece off of Michelle's plant.

Yucca flowers close up

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...