Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ian's LAPD day

With everything going on I wanted to share these right away.  My oldest grandson Ian is down in southern California having a whirlwind vacation with his Dad Derek, stepmom Jenn, siblings and grandparents.  I talked to my angel friend Cliff and he gave Ian and Derek the VIP Ian J Campbell memorial tour.  Police stations, the Hollywood sign, memorials, meeting the LAPD chief of police Chief Beck, the LAPD museum and finally a ride in the LAPD air support helicopter.  A dream day for an eleven year old boy.  I can't wait to hear about it.  Cliff was kind enough to email me these photos he took today.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sad, Sad, Sad

My sister Lori, me holding Darcy with her big sister
Debbie looking on in seeming disbelief...haha.
We got the sad heartbreaking news this morning that my Miracle Cousin Darcy died yesterday afternoon.  It seems she died suddenly and the suspected cause is aneurysm, blood clot or heart attack.

Me and Darcy
It was just seven years ago that I was blessed to witness Darcy's amazing fight to live and then to overcome huge odds to heal from horrible brain trauma sustained in a car accident in Texas.  Larry and I went to Texas to support my Aunt Gretchen during Darcy's battle.  We learned so much from each other and different bonds were formed.

Darcy in Aunt Gretchens lap and the
cute red head is Debbie.
One month short of four years ago we were happy to witness Darcy's marriage to Paul Fick while they were surrounded by loving family and friends.  It was a beautiful day.

None of us know how long we have here on this big/teeny blue marble circling our sun, but I know none of us thought that Darcy would have only fifty one years here with us.  She has three grown children, one grandbaby with another to be born this year.  She will be so missed and it makes me sad her grandchildren won't know her huge hearted love.  She loved children.

Today was a day of talking on the phone with loved ones and tears of sorrow.  Life marches on.  I for one am done worrying about bothering someone with my phone call, thinking that I have nothing much to say or that it has been too long, so its weird to call out of the blue.  Be warned, life is short and when you cross my mind I will pick up the phone and call you.  Even if its just thirty seconds to say Hello and I love you.  Because we do not know who is next and we all get to go.

Darcy and Paul, July 2010
Love you Darcy and I will forever hear your voice in my head hollering, "I Love My Cousin"!  I know you'll keep things stirred up up there with your joyful exuberance until we all someday join you.

The following is an update we got from Paul on Facebook this evening:

 Paul Fick here. Thank all of you for your beautiful comments. I called the Coroner this afternoon and they said she died of "Sudden Cardiac Arrest due to hypertensive cardio vascular disease." It was technically not a heart attack where there is blockage. With the high blood pressure, the heart just stopped. She passed out instantly and then died. Short of dying in your sleep, it was fast and painless. She is with Jesus now and talking with her grandfather I am sure. The pain remains for us left behind. She was my number 1 fan, the joy and light of my life. She was unique to say the least. Nobody loves you like Mama Darce. I am so glad her last words to me Monday were "I love you" and mine to her "I love you too." God bless all of you.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Cooler Day

Today was cooler, but at least the wind had quit.  Just did some deadheading in the garden, spraying for spider mites and then this lovely dragon fly stopped by.  These orange red guys will sit and let me take their picture.  There is a pretty blue winged one that flits through every once in awhile, but never sits still long enough for a photo.

He flitted away and then back quickly.  He had
caught a fly and was having his lunch.

He looks like he wants to tell us something.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Garden update

Not much new here.  We've been dealing with a nasty upper respiratory thingy, and for me it has now been two weeks and longer for Larry and we still aren't free of it.  In spite of no energy and going through mountains of tissues I've gotten out in the garden for a bit every morning.  We had a few days of really hot weather, hit 100 but it has been windy too, so things are drying out.

Many of the roses are recharging, the carnations are winding down and other stuff like the alyssum and verbena are taking off.  My new roses were losing leaves like crazy, was it too much water?  Not enough water?  Then I realized the problem was spider mites...horrible infestation, I've never really had them much so I was slow to catch it.  I hope the bushes start recovering soon.  

We lost a large branch on the asian pear tree to borers, hopefully thats all and the rest of the tree is okay.  I love that tree for its beautiful shade, its a pretty tree.  The plums are starting to ripen and we've had some strawberries.

I keep the birdbaths filled with fresh water and we've had all kinds of finches this spring.  They were really shy but they are getting used to us this year and aren't so skittish.  We have a couple of fox that trot through the yard daily and they move along whether we're there  or not, like they think they are invisible to us.
Pineapple sage and thyme

My yucca is blooming.  It is
a piece off of Michelle's plant.

Yucca flowers close up


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...