Saturday, March 15, 2014

Spring is here

Busy, busy with stuff outside.  My twenty new David Austin old english roses arrived on Thursday and we got them all planted.  They are now planted in optimum conditions and are already growing.  I can't wait for them to bloom and every year get prettier and prettier.  I added three in pots to the deck, they will all be scrumptious too.  These are a lot of before pictures so you can be wildly impressed with all the rose pictures I will flood you with all summer!

The roses soaking for a couple hours.
We took a walk to the pond.  The rains had filled it to overflowing.

These butterflies are our only pollinators so far.
Since our wild beehive swarmed away last summer,
we have yet to see any honeybees this spring.

Three new roses potted up, pink, red and yellow.

The new rose bed from the deck.

Seventeen babies in six colors, I went for dramatic clumps of color.

I can't wait for these to be all bushed out and in bloom!

The moon rising tonight!

I got some fabulous lizard battle pictures.  This is a preview.
That lizard on the right facing us is having a pain on his back.
The crazy lizard that has a hold of his back is upside down.
They were flipping and flying all over the place, it was cool to see.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...