Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Photos from March 8th

Time clicks away and I'm not getting through these pictures taken in L.A. as quickly as I would have liked.  I am going to post Friday's pictures first.  Cliff picked us all up at the hotel.  Us all being Larry, me, Andrea, Michelle, Lori, her fiance Dave and two of his kids.  Our first stop was the Police Academy where we had breakfast in the cafe in a private room.  We then had a tour of the Academy and we hiked to the top of the hill above the Academy where we had a wonderful view of the city and Dodger Stadium.
Taking pictures of Dad's memorial brick.

Andrea and Michelle looking at the view.

mural on the wall of the gym
Above a door.

Then we stopped and took pictures with the new Hollywood freeway memorial sign.  Of course it started raining and was hailing on us as we finished.

Next stop was Hollywood station so Lori and everyone else could see the star memorial and the station.

We then had a tour of Paramount Studios.  We roamed all over Dr. Phil's set.  We had a wonderful lunch at Philippe home of the original french dip sandwich on Alameda street in Los Angeles.  It was a neat place and great sandwiches.  

Last stop was at the cemetery, this was the first time Lori and Michelle had been there since Grandma Chrissie had passed away.

A very busy day.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...