Cousin Pat, Lori, Val and Cousin Mike |
Andrea, Larry, Val and Michelle |
So here we are back to March 9th. We all met at the Los Angeles Police Museum where they had a lovely continental spread of food for our group, the other guests of the Museum and the Hettinger family. The Hettinger's had been there for a bit and had already viewed the Onion Field display so then it was our turn. Everyone was kind enough to let Lori's and my family have time in the room devoted to the Onion Field story alone.
Dad's bagpipes that are on loan to the museum as part of the display explaining how the tradition of bagpipes played at LAPD officers funerals began |
Michelle viewing one of the displays |
Me and Lori next to the bagpipes |
The picture is a photo of one of many re-enactments of the incident that Karl Hettinger did for the department and court with Lori and I in front. |
The bands played the most moving Amazing Grace most of us had ever heard and they hadn't even practiced together. The sound was huge under that covered area. They started it with a lone piper, then the rest of the band's pipers joined in and then the marine band joined for the huge crescendo. I've gotten pretty good at not letting that song get to me but I lost it and got my sister Lori's shoulder all wet. We unveiled a replica of the sign that was already in place along the Hollywood freeway and then we were done with the ceremony.
Lori, Chief Charlie Beck and I |
We moved inside and I'm sure I've got the order of things all messed up...if I try to get it right it'll take me another week...hahaha. Anyways, inside we talked with Joe Wambaugh and we were in the Onion Field room when he saw it for the first time. He was impressed, moved and overwhelmed a bit seeing it all himself. Oh, I forgot, before we went back in the Onion Field room there was an official ribbon cutting and opening of the exhibit.
Larry caught me having a snack. |
Wambaugh brought along three large boxes of signed paperbacks of "The Onion Field" that had been re-released a few years ago and the forward was written by James Ellroy. Ellroy spoke at the ceremony, and he and Wambaugh very kindly personalized the books of anyone who asked. The books were given freely I must add.
Downstairs Lori and I were presented with lovely framed pieces of the music for the song written by Aaron Shaw by the LAPES pipe & drum band. We were given a tour of the long skinny basement that back in the day officers used for target practice and where our Dad would often practice his bagpipes.
Mike, Pat, Larry and Me |
Those are the highlights, there will be more info on the picture captions. After we were all done we headed back to the hotel. After finding that the hotel restaurant wouldn't be open until dinner and we were all starved, we were on the hunt for food. We discarded the option of driving anywhere so we all hoofed it a few blocks to Johnny Rockets where we had fabulous hamburgers and milkshakes outside in front of the diner.
It was a great time. We had fun hanging out with our cousins and drinking their wine and eating their cookies in their room.
The next day Michelle and Andrea flew home, the cousins all headed wherever they were going and we headed out on our drive north.
The Marine Corps band marching in |
The LAPES Pipe and Drum Band entering |
Glynn Martin, museum director; Captain Beatrice Girmala, Hollywood Division Commander; Chief of Police Charlie Beck |
Joe Wambaugh and Chief Beck taking it all in |
I got the bright idea to get our picture with Wambaugh and the Hettinger's children, Kurt and Christine |
The band presenting us with the framed wonderful! |
Cliff Armas, Lori and I with our beautiful gifts from LAPES |
James Ellroy on the left, the "Campbell Posse" with the Los Angeles Police Emerald Society Pipes and Drums |
Cliff Armas piping for us. |
Lori and Dave |
Heading home past the beautiful memorial sign. |
I am posting this after a quick proof, so I apologize for any errors. Please email me if you see anything that is horribly wrong (for example for some reason I keep putting Chief Gates instead of Chief Beck, but I corrected it before pushing the publish button).