Tuesday, February 19, 2013


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Wow, nearly 70 a couple days ago and today barely 40 and mostly in the 30's, rain and at one point white fluffy stuff was mixed with the rain.  We can always use the rain, but we could do without this ridiculous cold!  

Just yesterday for the first time this season I saw the lizards were out, now they are back to hibernating for sure...I hope they enjoyed their sunbathing on the rocks.

Today I toddled off to pilates and came back feeling so much better.  I was really challenged this weekend with something in my right hip hitting me like a cattle prod.  I tweaked or squished something doing yard work on Friday, but didn't feel it until late the next day.  Oh well, such is life.

Knitting my first sock ever on circular needles, easy
once my brain could get itself around push this needle
back through these stitches, pull this needle through these, rub your tummy three times and
hop up and down on one foot....hahaha!

Planted two David Austen roses...a pink climber for a pole in the garden and a small shrub for a large pot on the deck.  Can't wait to see how they do.  

Being a cold gloomy day meant it was a great day for making a large pot of turkey soup from the frozen Christmas dinner bones.  Scrumptious!

Most of my orchids are getting ready to bloom soon,
sending up their shoots, some with two this year.  That big
spiky leafed plant on the right is my pineapple plant,
started a couple of years ago from the top of a pineapple
we bought at the supermarket.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...