Sunday, September 06, 2009

Stirring the Stuffing 9-6

I don’t know what comes over me sometimes, there will be something that needs doing and I wait until I don’t feel like doing anything to take care of it. I was feeling kinda weird today, probably because of my workout yesterday…tired, no gumption for any of my projects…so what do I keep looking at…the saggy back cushions on our sofa and love seat.

I remember the furniture tech telling us to unzip the backs, take a wooden spoon and stick it in there and stir it around in the fiber stuff to bring them back to life. I have been thinking I needed to do it for the past couple of weeks and so today that is what I ended up doing. I wrestled the bottom seat cushions off one at a time, unzipped, stirred and jabbed around in the seat backs, re-zipped and then muscled the seat bottom back in place. I did that five times and had it all back together when I decided I needed to rotate the bottom cushions…could I have thought of that in the beginning…NO, so I pulled off the seat bottoms, moved them all over one place and got them shoved back into place. I was hot and sweaty when I was done so I ended up on the back patio enjoying the cooling breeze and watching our flowers dance around.

Earlier in the day I had gone to Walmart to pick up some stuff, I dusted and then lazed around reading a good book. I talked to Larry awhile in the afternoon, (he is being released today and will be home tomorrow…woo hoo), answered a few emails, and there you have it ….another exciting day in the life of Val.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...