Friday, September 04, 2009

Gratitude 9-4-09

Let us rise up and be thankful,
For if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little;
And if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick;
And if we got sick, at least we didn’t die;
So, let us ALL be thankful.
---The Buddha

This is the first time I have ever seen this quote and I LOVE it. It got me thinking…we have heard a lot lately about the power of Attitude and Gratitude, but we have all had days, weeks or years when we haven’t been able to get our heads around how to do it and those five lines teach us how to be thankful and grateful.

I learned from my Grandmother at an early age that everything happens for a reason, that good comes out of even the so called BAD stuff and it is up to us to get on with it. A lot of people like the saying “shit happens”, but it really should read “LIFE happens” ; because that is what it is; life. The one thing constant in this world and our lives is CHANGE….there is no stopping change.

Even in the most stagnate looking of homes…the same decorations, Mom/Dad still in the same chair etc., something has changed. There is change happening every day, we just may not see it. The sun fades the fabrics, dust collects, dust is removed and in that removal the things get moved and replaced, there is NO stopping Change. Even mountains and rocks change, just at a pace we may not see.

So as much as we may not want something to change…it is going to!!!

I am thankful today for the little book that I read this quote in today, “Learning to Dance in the Rain”.
I am thankful that I could see the words,
I am thankful for the glasses on my face,
I am thankful for my hands that could turn the pages,
I am thankful for the table I was sitting at under the roof that I was under,
I am thankful for the peaceful community that my roof is a part of,
I am thankful for the food I was eating while reading the little book,
I am thankful for the sunshine on my back and for the gentle breeze blowing through the door,
I am thankful for this computer and technology that lets me share my thoughts with others,
I am thankful for all my friends…known and unknown…,
I am thankful for my family,
I am thankful for my good health,
I am thankful that I awoke today…here, now,

Now it is your turn…

Valerie Moniz 9-4-09

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...