Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pre Family Reunion 7-24-08

We have been visiting with family and grazing the last four days. This Saturday is the actual day of the Family Reunion, hosted as always at my Aunt Millie and Uncle Marty’s place. Their backyard is like a wooded campground and two of my older cousins and their husbands, another Aunt and Uncle and then a couple that are family friends all have their very large motor homes and one 5th wheel parked down in the trees.

So since they arrived on Monday and they are all wonderful cooks and do the group culinary potlucks we have been eating wonderful food! I have been the souse-chef, dish-washer and runner because I am not the “pack” cooking participant that this group all has been a part of for years. Larry and I have been lone wolves and because we are family they tolerate us and allow us into their pack every so often…so far no one has gone for our throats…tee hee! Food is the ticket, I have made brownies and Larry has made three fruit cobblers…yes, LARRY made the cobblers and his three berry cobbler was a HUGE success. Hey, we know our place in the pack!

The weather has been pleasant for the most part; one day was cloudy and cold and as we are outside all day nice weather makes for a more enjoyable event! There is a lot of visiting, reminiscing, catching up and tall stories (otherwise known as “bullshit”). They play a lot of a dice game called Zonk and dominos.

More family will be arriving tomorrow and then all the rest show up on Saturday for the big event and this year the Queen of the reunion is Aunt Millie, we will be celebrating her 80th birthday this year.

My sister Lori and her two girls are currently on a plane heading for Portland from Ohio. They were delayed a couple hours because of weather in Houston due to hurricane Dolly. They had to cool their heels a bit in Lafayette, Louisiana before they could land in Houston. Our girls will show up with their families on Saturday and the party is on! This event has been great for our family because it is often the only time we ever see most of our extended family.

We have been having a lot of fun and you won’t see too many stories here because: What happens in the Family stays in the Family! SMILE! I’m not gonna be STUPID!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...