Friday, July 18, 2008

Drive to the Coast 7-18-08

Today was a field trip day. We drove over to Bandon on the coast. It was a lovely clear day. The roadways were flanked by huge banks of pink wild sweet peas and roses. I would have liked to get some close-ups but as always there either wasn’t a good place to stop or the wind was blurring them.

In Bandon there is a drug store that carries a few things that I can’t find anywhere else…a line of aromatherapy cleaners for the home and aromatherapy bubble bath. I found then last fall when we were there, so I made a point of stocking up today.

Then we went for a walk on the beach at Bullards Beach State Park. There was a very strong wind out of the north so we needed our coats. The ocean was very dark and dirty looking today and the wind was really causing the waves to roll south, we have never seen the water quite that dark before. There were people horseback riding and people riding the wind and waves! Nary a cloud to be seen!

After I unloaded my usual collection of rocks onto the floor of the truck and we de-sanded our shoes we went back into Bandon and had a great lunch of beer battered fish and chips, then headed back “home”. We stopped in Roseburg for fuel…after taking the wrong turn and ending up on the highway heading south until we could get turned back around…diesel has gone up again. I made a stop at the mall to exchange something and then we landed back at the trailer.

It makes us cranky that we have to adjust to how much it costs in fuel to take a drive nowadays. We are extremely grateful that we made our trip back east a couple years ago…even then we thought the fuel was high and now it is double what it was then…amazing.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...