Friday, October 19, 2007

Keys, Flowers & Rainbows 10-19-07

Every day Larry has gone off and done whatever it is he does…fixing radios and repeaters. He has about a dozen hilltops he wants to get to before snow shuts him out to do maintenance. Look at this pile of keys!!! Hmmmm, if I can get rid of those I can pick up some more rocks…tee hee. Larry left all these hilltops in really great shape when he closed his business and left, but sadly the agencies responsible for the equipment hasn’t found anyone to replace Larry. Well, let me clarify that, there are people/techs who would love to charge tons of money but don’t know what they are doing. Is Larry the only radio tech out there that actually went to school for electronics and radio repair?

I had a wonderful massage on Tuesday and that is about it for me this week.

Yesterday we had a guest for dinner and I bought a small bunch each of Mums and Alstromeria for the table. Didn’t they turn out lovely? The bright green of the Alstromeria leaves set the flowers off nicely. We had a wonderful visit with our friend Vickie Robbennolt. She is the one we visit out in Genessee Valley. She is also the first person I ever gave a massage when I became a Massage Therapist and amazingly that was 12 years ago...she was one of my best customers at my Gift Store, remained my client and became a Great Friend!

Yesterday after Larry returned home he was telling us how gorgeous the fall colors were as he came down the mountain. So this morning we headed up to see but there is a storm coming in and the sun kept going behind the clouds dulling all the colors. I was able to get some pictures of this happy rainbow.

Tomorrow we drive to Ukiah for our Nephew’s wedding reception. Ian and Andrea and Will get to see us again so soon…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And we are so thrilled and blessed that we get to see you again in such a short amount of time


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...