Friday, October 12, 2007

Caught up in Ukiah 10-12-07

Wow, can’t believe a week has gone by since I’ve posted an entry.

On Sunday the 7th we left Coarsegold, pulled out early for us, 7:40, but as we didn’t get up until after 7, not bad! Larry had us all disconnected and hooked up to the truck the night before. We knew it would be a long haul and we didn’t want to arrive in Ukiah late. We had a nice travel day, beautiful weather. We took highway 99 up to Stockton then cut over to I-5 on highway 4. North on 5 until Williams where we took 20 west to highway 101 and then south to Ukiah.

We are continually amazed by how wildlife manages to survive city life. We saw a very big coyote in a field next to Sacramento’s Arco Arena. The leaves are turning so the drive was very colorful. We traveled 327 miles and got into Ukiah at 2:30. We got all settled in and kicked back for a bit and then went down to Andrea’s for dinner. They are all doing great, focused on planning the wedding of course.

On Monday we did the storage thing…take things out, put things back, rearrange, but the weather was stunning. On Tuesday the weather was grey and rainy and has been like that mostly ever since.

Wednesday Larry went down to the Bay Area to help a friend with some repeater work. I had the whole place to myself! The thing I noticed most after Larry got home that evening was the motion of the trailer from him moving around. We are used to our house moving but going all day without it, I really noticed it for an hour or so!

Yesterday I hit the sales at Mervyns and JCPenney. Came home with some good loot. We had dinner at a place here in town with Andrea, Will and Ian, and met Will’s parents Ron and Sandy for the first time. Nice people and we had a lovely time.

So now I am caught up. Last night and today it is raining. I had my hair cut this morning and in a few minutes we are going to pick Ian up from preschool and he is spending the day and night with us here. We leave here on Sunday for Quincy.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...