Thursday, January 23, 2020

Busy, Busy

I guess I've been busy...time flies by and here it's been almost two weeks since my last post! 

My biggest day in this span of time was going to Costco!  Woohoo!!! NOT! Up early, out early and armed with my list, inside less than an hour!!! Larry drove both ways and I crocheted on my scarf. We dread going shopping, but it's always so wonderful to have it done and the freezer and pantry stocked back up!

Snowing and sunset

tulips, amaryllis bud

Other than that trip, I don't think I've been in a vehicle since! Seems weird, but I'm okay with it. Larry goes to the mailbox and fire department at least three days a week and he's back and forth for trainings. I honestly am not missing going places. Gracie and I haven't even been on a decent walk since I had shingles, the weather is not walk friendly for us girls. Now the crazy man...out the door after he gets up in the morning for a walk as long as it's not muddy and the wind isn't horribly cutting.

Wolf moon rising

Best hat in cold wind EVER!!
Larry and I can't believe how busy his life became down here!  Out in the middle of natureville, not a lot of people, don't know anyone....but being this close to the fire department changed everything. He's very busy, yet he knows...if any part of his volunteering for the fire department or the county gets too stressful and he doesn't get the cooperation needed to help...he can walk away. Planning, paperwork, phone calls, meetings, trainings and getting stuff done in county government...herding cats seems more doable!!!


Three Pearls

Me, I've been painting, more than I ever have! I'm finding my flow...what works for me. I'm still going back and forth between two thicknesses of paint...and I LOVE my metallic paints. If I try to paint with a plan, I get stuck...but if I just pick some colors...and I have to love them, I just start and about half way through it becomes something else entirely! It's like magic for me!!!

Wolf Moon in metallic paints on black canvas board

Tried something...hated it
MUCH better


Red/purple, like it so far
 On Monday, I couldn't decide what to do with myself...lots of chore choices...not feeling it. So I put on my Pandora music to Kelly Clarkson radio...cranked it up and the first song was so uplifting, I just danced around the room!  That moved my blue energy to red!!!  I picked my two favorite colors right and purple, grabbed a larger than 8x10 white canvas and with no plan or vision, started painting. I kind of like the rough result. I'm trying to decide if I want to go at it again! Time will tell. 

Not done yet

The little one that started out blue's and greens, I wasn't coming up with anything, I wasn't loving the colors, so again, my fave colors on the palette and the painting started exciting me. I haven't finished it yet, still needs it's metallic paint!

Oh and the woman that bought my painting said this after she received it...."More beautiful than I imagined"!!! Woohoo!!!  Photo's really don't capture the colors or the sheen very well at all. I love that something in my paintings speak to people and that's all I can ask for. 

The weather has been cold, windy, snow and rain off and on, but more often than not we have sunshine!!! That makes everything bright and happy!  I do like the random
stormy day, they always say to me...sit with a blankie, hot drink and knit/crochet or read!

Oh and Larry finally did trap a mouse in the car. There were a few days of it being mouse free and this morning he discovered they're back. It's frustrating to him that they get in the vehicles interiors because he knows he may never find how they gain entrance and it's discouraging to think of them maybe ruining our truck and car! It's a common problem out here. Can't tell you how many fires in vehicles we've heard about and the horror stories from mechanics....ack!!!! Why, why hasn't a solution been found that works yet?! And no. No cats. They only have an average life span out here, outdoors of two years....

Gracie caught the sunray!

It lasted less than 5 minute!


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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...