Sunday, March 13, 2016

Cool for a few days

This was written on Saturday the 12th, posted on the 13th.
Yesterday was overcast most all day and we had the awning put away which was a good thing last night.  The wind was cranking.  Yesterday was laundry day.  The days big event.  

Living in a small travel trailer is simple living for sure, everything is pared down.  Where we each had 6 feet of closet pole in our walk-in closet in Cool, here we each have barely one foot.  We have one teeny drawer for our undies, but it's been fine.  It takes hardly any time to clean the bathroom or mop the floor or vacuum.  

Other things take longer because of the limited space.  Cooking takes longer.  I have to pull everything out of the various places from all over the "kitchen".  I have 8 inches of a counter, but there is a cover on the stove and the double sink has cutting board covers for both sides and then Larry put in a flip up table at the end by the sink for more space and behind is the table.  I can get breakfast put together pretty easily now that I have done it and know where everything is.  Dinners can be a challenge if I don't plan far enough ahead.  Things like crock pots are helpful, but can get in the way.  And so it goes.

Having a furry beast with us this go around is different.  We have to worry about getting back for her so she can potty or eat.  Worry about it being too hot, can we take her or will we starve to death because we can't leave her in the car while we go get some lunch or dinner because it's too hot in the car for her.  Her fur all over our bed makes us crazy because it gets all over us if we decide to stretch out on the bed.  So I spend about 10 to 15 minutes every morning using one of those sticky rollers de-furring the bed. 


We miss our recliners.  I miss my own washer and dryer.  Probably the biggest misses.  Oh, and our refrigerator is way smaller than the one we had in our 5th wheel, limits meals and when we are far from stores, a challenge because we can't load up on much.  

A collection of bottles someone left here.
So though some things take us longer to get done, we have the time.  We have been enjoying the sunny weather and watching the desert bloom and change with the weather warming and the rain from January.  The trees are bright green with new leaves.

Today, on our morning Gracie pee/poop walk, we checked out the cactus we have been watching bloom.  I came across a desert lily in bloom.  I had spotted it several days ago and the leaves were all yellowing so I wasn't sure if we missed the blooms.  But today we caught it's first flower, and if we can find it again we will hopefully see it covered in more next time.

Gracie had to see what I was looking at.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...