Monday, February 10, 2014

Mid February Check-in

Yours Truly in South Carolina

I just have not been able to catch up here.  The days have been flying by and though I think about doing an entry, it is usually in the evening and I'll think...ah, I'll do it in the morning.  Then the next day comes along and I get busy and weeks go by like that.  I blink and a whole week is gone.  It feels like garbage day is daily instead of once a week, that is how fast time seems to be going for us here.

Our January was dry and for the most part warm.  There was a period of very, very cold near the end of the month, but the warmth has caused many things to start budding out weeks early.  We just came off of a wonderful weekend of rain storms and we got about 9 inches of rain, sorely needed with the drought.

We have nothing planned so far this year.  Fire season is expected to be busy, so I'll be here while Larry is off working.  I am planning to add a bunch of English roses to the garden.  I am trying to make up my mind on the colors and get the order in before it's summer.  The long raised bed that you've seen pictures of is where I am going to put them.  I can't wait to see them and smell them this summer!

All is good with us.  We enjoyed our travels over the holidays and are enjoying being home.  The pictures here are from the last few weeks.  They may not be in any kind of order.

Hugs to you all!  Love too!

This big boy came through to check on the girls last month.

Another infinity scarf completed

A beautiful foggy morning.

Me and Vickie

Larry doing our cleanup for fire prevention

Larry torturing Gracie with a hug.

This is what over 3,000 slides looks like getting
ready for DVD transfer...oi vey.

There have been over 30 turkeys cruising about almost daily
and this one startled me, not quite a sparrow outside the window!

1 comment:

Juanita said...

So happy to see a post from you, even though I do see you often on FB! I continue to envy you your rose garden! And now I hear of even more luscious ones.


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...