Monday, June 24, 2013

Rain, Rain, Rain

I took this first picture this morning just as it was starting to rain.  Sadly it has rained most all day, which is helpful with the watering, but the flowers fill up with water and fall over and some break.  I had a large rose cane from which many branches of white flowers and buds leaned over and broke off.  I will have a big bouquet whenever I can get out there and get them picked, washed off and in a vase.  Lots of the flowers look all droopy and sad.  I will have some tieing up to do later.

The boys have played hard all week, so with it being a cool rainy day they had a movie marathon day.  Ian goes to his Dad's tomorrow and lucky me, I've got jury duty.  I'm hoping I don't get picked; I was hoping when I called the number this evening it had been cancelled, but not this time.

Gracie thought it was cool to get to go
back to bed ON the bed after Seth climbed in.

I'm not sure exactly what happened here,
asleep on the floor BESIDE the bed...hmmm.

My new decor this week.
Even as I post this it is still pouring rain and we are hearing lots more for tomorrow.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...