Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Still more rain

It rained all night and most of the day.  I was up early and on my way to Placerville for jury duty.  The Superior Court is in a small old building with 70's dark paneling (paper).  There were a ton of us, but we were told that the trial was only slated to last a day or two and we would be done at the latest some time Thursday.  The Deputy suggested that we not hardship out of this one because there were a few big cases coming up that we could end up on by deferring our service.

It took almost an hour and a half to get to the selection part.  I was lucky enough to be in the first group called up and after answering all the questions asked by both sides I was lucky again by being the first one they excused!  Woo hoo!  I suspect I know why, but it didn't really matter...I WAS FREE!!!

I decided to walk back to the parking lot rather than wait for the shuttle, and my path took me by a lovely yarn shop, well of course I had to pop in there for a little visit.  I came out with one yarn that was on the clearance table.  I made it home in time to load up the boys and Larry and we headed to Kingvale to meet Ian's Dad to hand him off for the summer.  It rained the whole way and there was an accident at the highway 20 exit on I-80 that shut down our direction of travel, but they worked really hard at getting us moving and we were only a half hour late.

After getting home I walked the garden and surveyed the damage.  I have a tomato plant split right down the middle, but it might survive.  My mum's are flattened out in a circle instead of upright in a nice mound, I'll have to tie them up.  I had many broken glads and that branch of white roses to rescue.  I have a few nice bouquets now in the house.

After two days of rain and coolness we go to 85 tomorrow and 95 the day after and will stay that way for a few days.  It is going to be deep south steamy here with all the wetness and I wonder if the heat will generate thunderstorms.  Sticky icky is all I can say.

Bedtime for Bonzo!  Nighty night.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Rain, Rain, Rain

I took this first picture this morning just as it was starting to rain.  Sadly it has rained most all day, which is helpful with the watering, but the flowers fill up with water and fall over and some break.  I had a large rose cane from which many branches of white flowers and buds leaned over and broke off.  I will have a big bouquet whenever I can get out there and get them picked, washed off and in a vase.  Lots of the flowers look all droopy and sad.  I will have some tieing up to do later.

The boys have played hard all week, so with it being a cool rainy day they had a movie marathon day.  Ian goes to his Dad's tomorrow and lucky me, I've got jury duty.  I'm hoping I don't get picked; I was hoping when I called the number this evening it had been cancelled, but not this time.

Gracie thought it was cool to get to go
back to bed ON the bed after Seth climbed in.

I'm not sure exactly what happened here,
asleep on the floor BESIDE the bed...hmmm.

My new decor this week.
Even as I post this it is still pouring rain and we are hearing lots more for tomorrow.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

June Garden Views

Here we go!  I'll post the pictures of the boys first.  If you hate flowers then you may want to skip this entry!

I have two of these bushes called Light My Fire.
I had Ian and Seth both pick a rose bush for the garden
from the catalog
and oddly they picked the same one, so I figured
what the heck.

This monarda/bee balm is about six feet tall.

The Sentry


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...