Monday, May 06, 2013

Refreshing Rain

Having the mystery reptilian tail on the stair below me last week when I was sweeping made me nervous because I am always on the alert for rattlesnakes.  I have yet to see one this year, but we learned that our lady neighbor across the road had gotten bit by a small rattlesnake right outside her garage.  The smaller snakes are the most dangerous because they don't control their venom.  Our neighbor was rushed to emergency by her husband, she started reacting pretty quickly, but she is home and recovering.  Not having spoken with them we don't have any details.  I am more vigilant then ever.  We keep our place tidy and weeds cut so if one decides to slither through we can spot it before it feels it has to get us.

We spent the weekend working in the yard getting things transplanted, weed eating and enjoying the fine weather.  This morning around 3:30 a.m. it started raining and it was a steady rain until almost noon.  The rain sends nutrients from the air to the plants and it washed the tree pollen off of everything.  The plants just seem to spurt up after a rain.  

My new celosia plants in the box.
Knowing today was supposed to be a rainy day I had planned to get some yarnwork done.  I have three projects going and needed to get started on a fourth.  I did a bit of work on the most important project before breakfast and I never touched it the rest of the day.  During a leg stretching walk through the garden after the rain stopped I decided I had to take pictures and then I ended up on the computer the rest of the day.  This evening I did get a good start on project four.
Peaking through the leaves.

The first peony flower to open.  I'm glad I got them rounded
up and tied back yesterday so the rain didn't drop them to the ground after
they filled with water.

Gracie got bored with waiting for me to finish
with my photography and decided to enjoy the
weak rays of sun trying to break through.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...