Thursday, May 02, 2013

Beautiful Weather

Yesterday's star.
Yesterday we ran errands.  I needed to run by the nursery and have them identify a pest on our pear tree, we needed dripper parts from Home D and of course I came home with plants from both places.

Today I planted, transplanted and ticked things of my to do list, busy day.  We have been fortunate that we haven't gotten the winds that have pummeled the valley.  The winter and spring have been dry and fire season seems to have started early.  There is a big fire burning up near where we used to live in the Ishi wilderness, not too close, but close enough that Chester/Lake Almanor basin is being impacted by smoke and ash.  After the smoky summer they had last year, this is unwelcome.

We are getting everything ship shape around here because it seems Larry may be heading out to work sooner than later.

I started sweeping the back porch and I saw this below me.  Hmm, not
a fence lizard tail, but what is it attached to?

Phew, just a long skinny lizard.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is a really long lizard!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...