Saturday, October 31, 2009

On the Road Again! 10-31

The first picture is out of our trailer window of the backyard before we left, and the others are between Fallon and Sparks of the cottonwoods along the way.

It has been a busy few days. On Thursday we pulled out of the Fallon driveway for the last time at noon. The new owners were already there…they were like, don’t let the gate hit you in the ass on the way out…jeez. It was sunny and no wind. We stopped in Fernley at the Black Bear Restaurant for lunch/dinner. It was such a relief to be done with the house after the headaches we had while it was a rental. We love the house, just not where it is located. I think it’ll take some time before we really feel free of it!

We left Fernley at 2 p.m. and headed for Oregon. It kept getting warmer the further north we went…unusual…Fallon had been so very, very cold. We stopped for the night along highway 89 west of Bartle. We backed into a little “road” in the forest and had a very peaceful night “boon-docking”. Larry had replaced our trailer batteries before we hit the road so we had plenty of “juice” for the furnace over night…it was warmer than the nights most recently in Fallon so it didn’t go on that much.

Yesterday after getting ourselves ready for the day we hit the road around 8:40. The truck was making a funny noise every once in awhile and we couldn’t really pin point where it was coming from. We fueled up in Weed and soon after as we were heading north on I-5 we heard a dispatch go out on the scanner about a head on collision north of us on the Klamath River bridge right at the rest area. A wrong way driver hit someone and both north bound lanes were blocked…we anticipated being stuck for hours, but because the emergency personnel hadn’t arrived on scene yet and there was an exit right before hitting the bridge that trucks were starting to dive off on we followed along. Sadly both vehicles…what we could see from the distance looked pretty badly totaled…two pick-ups. We were able to go down under the bridge past the rest area and back up onto the highway. As we hit our brakes heading down the off ramp there was this huge noise from the rear of our truck…sounded like the rear end or transmission was falling off as the weight of the trailer shifted on the bed of the truck. We stopped alongside the river and Larry looked all under the truck, but couldn’t see anything glaringly wrong or loose, so, on we went.

We heard on the scanner that one victim was 11-44, which is deceased and another was real bad and they were wanting a helicopter, but because the surrounding areas (not there at the accident site) were fogged in they couldn’t fly….I told Larry I bet that poor person wasn’t going to make it because they wouldn’t survive the long drive to the nearest trauma center…it was a long way back to Redding. Sadly I was right…we read an article online this morning and the elderly male who was the wrong way driver was dead on scene and so was the 34 year old woman driving the other truck…her passenger was expected to survive, a man…they had camping and fishing gear and were from Washington state.

We’ve seen a lot of accidents over the years, but this one was disturbing…timing and all…that grace of God thing. Our first week out Full-timing in ’04 I encountered a wrong way driver on I-5, after dark, but I had plenty of room to get over…scary. Your brain just can’t believe what it is seeing because it is so wrong.

So anyway on up the road we went yesterday and we saw two other accident sites…one was a freight trailer that had been on fire and was a melted mass…the truck was already gone from the scene (this accident was before the head on and was what had prompted the scanner getting turned on) and further on up there was a minivan that had burned really bad. We also hit really thick fog going over the Siskiyou pass and people were going way too fast for the conditions. People take their lives sooo for granted and while rushing through theirs they jeopardize the lives of others.

Our truck made that noise again and lost power and the brake warning lights came on and then the engine light came on and the speedometer needle was bouncing all over the place…it was a “what the hell” moment. Larry never panics and tries to understand what is going on…was it an electrical or sensor problem. I think we were around Medford somewhere…we pulled off again, Larry checked everything over. We didn’t really want to get towed and stuck there, so we decided to see if we could keep going. We had lost our higher gears so we couldn’t go much above 50mph, and if we didn’t strain things too much the noise wouldn’t start up. I’ll spare you the rest of the slow details, but we pushed onto Albany…it just took us a lot longer at the speed we were going, but we got there. Being Friday afternoon we can’t get the truck looked at until Monday. Larry is concerned that it won’t make the same noises without the trailer weight on the back…we’ll see. It is definitely more than just sensors, but we’ll find out on Monday.

We arrived here in Albany at our usual place around 4:30. We got all set up and then Larry decided he wanted to see how the truck would run without the load, so we took it over to Michelle’s…she is about 3 miles from us and now the truck wouldn’t get out of the really low gears…we couldn’t even get up to 45 mph now.

Michelle and Darel moved into this new place in July so we hadn’t seen it yet…very nice and spacious. Seth was happy to see us as always and was bouncing off of the walls…we got blamed for the hyper behavior….whatever….laugh.

It rained early this morning around 2 a.m. and was in the 50’s over night…there was some sunshine peeking through this morning so we took our walk. The sky was getting really black by the time we got back. I baked some cookies and did a load of laundry and of course when it was time to bring the laundry back from drying the sky opened up and it poured for about 10 minutes…I waited. It looks like Oregon might be back in its usual wet weather pattern…very damp and humid compared to the high desert of the Great Basin, but we usually don’t stay long enough to get moldy!

Michelle and Seth came over to see us…Seth spent the afternoon with us, playing with Grandpa on the floor with those magnet things, building stuff and he played with me on the computer with the Fish game cleaning tanks and rearranging my fish tank “décor”. He is a very busy boy…always moving.

We plan on staying here through next weekend…unless they still have our truck……

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bye Bye Fallon!!!!

House has closed, last errands being done and we will be on the road again!!!! Don't know how far we'll get today.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Empty House 10-27

Every day since I last blogged we had packed and cleaned and moved something. We finished yesterday and the house is empty and clean. We are now living in the trailer again in the backyard and waiting for the closing. It has of course turned COLD and windy which isn’t our favorite weather when living in the trailer, but tis the season. Tomorrow we do the walk thru with the buyers.

Our storage was big enough for all of our stuff and hopefully will fit in one big truck when we move into our future home…wherever that may be.

We won’t know where we are going from here until the day we pull out, but it will definitely be one of the girls’ places.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Almost Done 10-20

Boy this month is going by way faster than I had anticipated and I knew it would go fast! We are in a holding pattern now. We have packed and moved most everything into storage and what we need into the trailer. We are just figuring out the last minute logistics. We haven’t packed the cookware and silverware yet because we are still using it. We have the truck reserved for Monday to move the big furniture and appliances to storage, so before that we have to get the refrigerator’s contents moved to the trailer and get it cleaned and I need to get the last of the laundry done before those machines go to storage…so Sunday evening and Monday morning will be busy.

Tuesday it will be get the last of our stuff into the trailer day, if we hadn’t done it already and then I’ll do the last cleaning of the house…then we’ll live in the trailer until the closing. We would rather have our part done early rather than scramble and just toss stuff willy nilly on the last day.

When we hit the road, we will probably be heading over to Ukiah to await Connor’s debut into the world.

The weather here has been pretty nice…the couple of rainy days have actually been welcome…they cleaned off everything, wet down the dirt and made it smell so fresh. The cottonwoods around town are putting on their bright yellow show…against the bright blue sky…stunning!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

SOLD! 10-13

Hello all! Today is wet, windy and cold; it has so far rained enough to actually wet the dirt.

Well most of you know that we have sold this house here in Fallon…finally. It took getting the yards done and all my stuff unpacked for it to happen. Well, partly…the other part was deciding that we don’t really want to be here, that I don’t want to settle somewhere I didn’t really choose and the concern that if we waited much longer the values would keep sliding down here and take 5 to 10 years to recover…so we decided we didn’t want to wait. No one likes losing money and I was afraid Larry would want to hang on for awhile longer, but he said one day that at some point you’ve got to quit throwing good money after bad.

So on the 19th of September we listed the house and in less than a week our buyer came through our house very impressed, made us a practically perfect offer and we are out of here by Halloween! Our termite inspection passed…of course and the appraisal came in correctly and now we are packing. We rented the storage this Sunday and have most of the house packed in boxes and over there already…these past few days feel like weeks we have gotten so much done.

During the packing we have also been loading the trailer with what we’ll need for living on wheels again, though we hope to find our new home soon so we are trying to not take as much stuff in the trailer being short-timers…we hope. If we can’t find what we want in New Mexico then we’ll just have to keep looking.

We are waiting on Connor’s appearance before heading south…he better not dawdle!!!

Today we wrapped up and packed all my pictures that were hanging in the house and stored in the garage. Felt like a bazillion, but probably about 25…I made a point of going through every room and pulling the stuff off the walls and stacking it in the bedroom where we were working so I wouldn’t forget any. We get them all packed and taped into their boxes and I go out to the front room to talk to my sister on the phone and while talking to her I am gazing at the wall and after a bit it penetrates my brain that I am staring at my lovely print of petunias …a FREAKING picture ON THE WALL in the main room and that I had to walk past every time to go down the hall to the bedroom we were working in!!!! Oh MY Goodness!!!! It isn’t little either…oh well…could be worse…we could have overlooked it and left it behind…..

About all we have left to pack are dishes and cookware. During the last week we’ll have to rent a truck or trailer to move all the big furniture and appliances….the drawback to having a short bed pickup with a tool box and a trailer hitch in the bed. Though Larry has gotten most everything already over to storage with the truck with the space it does have, just more trips.

I wish you could spoon up a cup of this killer butternut squash soup I made from scratch in the crock pot yesterday. It was the BEST ever! The hardest part about making this soup is cutting up the squash…you need like a chain saw or a hack saw to cut the thing…I just had my big strong Husband cut it up for me with my really big knife. Yum-Yum…oh yeah, the soup too…..Laugh!

Apparently I am a true desert rat now….with this wet rainy weather I could NOT get warm tonight…I have on sweats, thick socks, bootie slippers, a robe and a blanket on before I finally felt warm and the thermostat is set at 70….pathetic! We have also had some really good downpours...unusual for here.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Stunning Photo 10-9

I want to share one of the most stunning fire pictures I've seen in awhile. This was taken this past week at the Old Fort Ord near Monterey by someone in another airship. Larry was down there this week for the yearly prescribed burn they do down there. They start the fire and work at getting it hot fast so the smoke creates a strong column that goes up instead of smoldering and spreading out. This is just a beautiful picture.
That is a Hughes 500 for anyone that cares and hanging beneath the chopper from a ladder is the heli-torch that drops a special firey mixture to start the fire.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Projects 10-8

Larry is heading back from Marina today...he'll be back late tonight.

I have been busy cleaning out the pantry and my closet. I packed a pile of summer clothes in one of those nifty space bag cubes, threw some stuff away, put some stuff in a pile for the thrift shop and then loaded some into the trailer.

A couple weeks ago I finished the very large white baby blanket for Andrea's baby shower...Connor will be able to use it for a very long time...laugh. Then I made a smaller baby blanket and had enough yarn leftover to do another for Andrea's friend...these I edged in satin blanket binding rather than crochet an edge...they are knit and in spite of blocking, the ends want to roll and the binding helps stop that too.

I also completed two more candle holders and I am happy with the way they turned out.

The nights have gotten really cool here and it is time to turn off and drain the sprinkler system. The weather watchers are predicting another cold nasty storm to go through this region on Tuesday and Wednesday...we'll see.

So that is about it for me today....have a lovely weekend!

Monday, October 05, 2009

Hello 10-5

Just thought I would pop on here and say Hello and Good Morning.

Not much to tell, Larry left early this morning for the Monterey area for a prescribed burn...he'll be just a short time over there. I have been finishing up a bunch of various craft to follow when I finish of course.

Lots of changes on the horizon....Andrea is doing well with her pregnancy and is still on target for around the 10th of November...Michelle and her family are kicking along and all is well in our world.

I may have to retire this blog...not much traveling going on...I'll be thinking on it.


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...