Monday, November 17, 2008

Our days at Andrea's

While we were at Andrea's we got to watch Ian play his last soccer game of the season. We had been at one of his first practices so it was neat to see how far the team had come. This was Ian's first season and he caught on really quick. After the game the team had pizza and the coach gave each of the players a trophy...they were thrilled. Ian kept wanting to know when he was going to get his, so the coach strung him along until he was the last to receive his trophy.

We had a nice few days visiting with the kids. Will, Andrea's husband, was actually home most of the weekend...we always tease him that as soon as he finds out we are coming he signs up for more

The pretty black and white kitten is CC otherwise known as feline terrorist. On Sunday Larry's Mom, Carol came over and visited for a few hours and we all got caught up.

We left Monday morning and headed back to Fallon. We stopped in Sparks to get some things at Costco and then onto the house. After living out of our suitcase for 10 days it was good to get back home...we kind of missed traveling with our home! You know the economy is REALLY bad when you stand in line at Costco and not a single basket was full, most just had a few things....very, very unusual!

Now, I've caught you up on our trip. We have been back a week...time certainly flies. The sun sets by 4:30 and it has been getting into the low 30's here at night. The days have been sunny and in the 60's. We have been trying to get our Christmas shopping done so we can get it shipped off before we head south. The only thing out of the ordinary this week was one of the calves in the field around the corner that we pass on our walk was dead...ick. Not something you really want to start your day off with!
This last picture is Andrea, otherwise known as Ian's

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...