Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fall scenes

This whole finding a photo program that I like that works with Vista is getting on my last nerve. The one I had been using was perfect for what I needed, but doesn't work with Vista. The problem with some are they are too complicated or you have to be a bloodhound to track down what the program does with the original versus the edited version of the photos. I like to edit my photos and alter their size so they upload quicker, but finding a program that does everything...easily is a challenge. The other challenge is the time it takes to figure it all out and NOT loose any photos. I am still trying to find what works and so far it is all still a work in progress, but I am trying!
These photos are all I could get posted this evening. They were taken on Oct. 31st when we left Fallon and headed to our daughter Michelle's home in Junction City, Oregon.

We left before sun-up, a rare occurance for us and they were taken in north western Nevada east of Pyramid Lake and north of Gerlach.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...