Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A few days in Quincy, Ca 9-5-07

Monday the 3rd was the 30th anniversary of our marriage. You know the romance is gone when for your anniversary you get to eat at a diner in Winnemucca, Nevada. At least he didn’t buy us a bucket of chicken and spread out a blanket under a tree in the cemetery like we saw one couple doing! I guess it was the only place there was shade and grass in Winnemucca, struck us as funny…quiet place to have supper. I’ve never been through Winnemucca and now I can say that I don’t need to go back…tee hee. We didn't do anything special, Disneyland is waiting for us! Plus every day is special with my snookums...LOL, I can hear gagging all across the world! And I'm not even kidding.

We spent the night at the Rye Patch State Park west of Winnemucca. Then yesterday we hit the road again, scenery wasn’t different than the day before that, Nevada all looks pretty much the same. Every once in awhile there might be a lake or some rock formations, but that is about it. We did see some antelope at Wild Horse Lake and in case you always wanted to know what that lake looked like here is a couple of pictures and one with the antelope.

We headed north on 395 from Reno then took 70 on into Quincy, California. We are here for three nights. Larry decided he needed to do something for a friend and needed to pick something up and as we are here I made an appointment with my favorite massage therapist.

There is a fire north of here and this morning we woke up to everything coated in ash…yuck. This time of year is hard on the forests. At least in California they still try to put them out…sort of.

This last picture is of our lovely site here at Pioneer RV Park in sunny Quincy. Its ad in the Passport America book, said quiet and no trains…they are apparently hard of hearing because you can hear the highway, there IS a train and the park is right next to a Mill. We’ve been in noisier and this place is nice, but it is annoying when they mislead you in their ads.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...