Saturday, September 29, 2007

Another day on Gopher Hill 9-29-07

Oh, as I was typing the date in the title it reminded me to say Happy Birthday to our future Son-in-law Will who turns THIRTY today and our nephew Steven who is now a teenager, the big 13. Happy Birthday guys!

Not much going on here with us. Last weekend we went up the hill to Oakhurst and had BBQ for lunch. Larry claims he isn’t having it again because there is something in the Pulled Pork that makes him sleep….hmmm.

We cruised down to Fresno one day to Walmart, Best Buy and Michaels. Larry wanted a flash drive for the computer and I needed yarn for a project I’ve wanted to try.

Yesterday we checked out Bass Lake and the surrounding Oakhurst area. When you are cruising along at 45 miles per hour and can see a spider tip-toeing its way across the asphalt, it is a BIG expletive spider. A nice furry Tarantula…yuck. It could have hurt our tire if we had rolled over it, it would have covered the palm of my hand (legs and all).
Makes me shiver just imagining it on my hand….gross.

So with just enjoying the lovely fall weather, sitting outside reading, knitting/crocheting, talking, taking walks and knowing how boring all that is for you all to hear about, I thought I would entertain you with pictures of our “lot-mate”. The street we are on is called Gopher Hill and for a reason. This lovely specimen is usually busy tidying up in the mornings or evenings. We’ll be sitting outside reading and can suddenly hear rocks scrabbling around. It doesn’t seem to be too concerned about us; I’ve never really seen so much of a gopher outside of its hole before, so with camera in hand I “captured” the little guy. Not so small, maybe 5 to 6 inches, with wicked teeth and claws. It comes out and stuffs dry grass in its cheeks and at other times just seems to be tidying up the rocks all around its holes. Nice to know our neighbor is neat! Wouldn’t surprise me with all the holes that are on this lot to have whatever rig is parked here to someday just sink 4 feet because the gopher caverns gave way!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...