Friday, December 19, 2014

Winter Solstice and Merry Christmas!

It has been a wonderful month of rain, wind and busy-ness.  We've had a heavy storm a week, inches of rain, wind, but fortunately no damage.  I had to prune the hedge roses before the big storm hit so I wouldn't have a lot of breakage or falling over.  I had to prune them harder than expected, there was a lot of borer damage.  As it hasn't hit freezing they haven't really gone dormant either, so I haven't been able to seal the canes to prevent more borer damage.  Hopefully I can get them sealed after the first of the year.  January and February will be busy when the roses finally go to sleep, I have many I want to move for better growth next year.

I've been busy learning about Plexus products and the company.  I've been making soups and enjoying the holiday season.  I've not done any baking, I don't want to eat any of it.

The shortest day of the year is this weekend!  And then the days start getting longer!  I love this part of the holiday season!  The decorating, the gift giving, the cooking keep us occupied while the days get shorter and darker.  Then after the holidays all the decorations get put away, the house is tidy, the days get longer and the New Year begins!  Exciting stuff.

Oh, I forgot.  Michelle and Darel have bought their first house!  Yay for them!!!  It closed just before Thanksgiving.  It's a three bedroom, two bath in SW Salem.  We are very proud of them. 

All is great with our family!  Larry and I are doing well.  So is Gracie.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
During our big storm.

One of our three small Christmas trees.

The hedge roses just before their shearing.

The roses after their heavy pruning.  I'm still amazed at how much I get done now and I'm not in horrible pain the next day.

Our other Christmas tree, no fireplace but our stockings are happy.

The roses are still bright spots in the garden.

One morning I heard a weird thud on the house, went to look out the window and there was a turkey on our power line.

It's a good thing only one landed there, it made the line sag badly.

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My mini orchid is blooming now as the larger orchid finishes.

Trying to get our walk in every day.  This day the sun actually made an appearance.

Gracie loves Papa Louie

Our beautiful friend Vickie.  She is doing so well after having a heart attack near the 1st of July.

I love Lou and Vickie's tree!  Loaded with beautiful decorations and candy canes!

Christmas season coffee tastes better in a Santa mug!

This is one of our wonderful natural pain relievers, this is for nerve pain. 

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Happy December!

The year is clipping right along to its speedy end! 

We had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend at Andrea and Scott's in Ukiah.  We took our trailer for it's maiden excursion.  We never really thought we would be back in Ukiah Fairgrounds and probably never with a small trailer.  The first night we came back from the kids, Larry started to drive right past our little home. 

Gracie had a hard time at first.  We decided though that she didn't like her bed down on the floor, out of the way.  She has three beds at home so she can keep her good eye on us where ever we are.  We finally put her bed up on the end of the sofa where neither one of us really want to sit because the cushion is the most broken down and she was happy after that.  At bedtime her bed on the floor beside my side of the bed worked fine, I just put an extra blanket over her to keep in her warmth.  She never woofed at anything all night, but then it's pretty quiet there at night.

In her relaxation zone

Larry, Chloe and Connor playing UNO

Scott and Andrea did a bang up job with the turkey dinner.  Scott brined the turkey, and then cooked it breast side down in a turkey bag, lightly stuffed with lovely aromatics.  It was.  THE.  BEST.  Turkey we have ever had.  Moist, and really yummy.  The juices were so yummy that the gravy Andrea made was super good on the smashed tators she made.  And the fresh green beans, perfection.  It was just all so good.  I ate teeny portions and then we had lovely pies, courtesy of the Safeway bakery department that were really great too, heated in the oven.  It was just a wonderful, simple (especially for those of us who didn't cook!) Thanksgiving dinner.  The next day Andrea made a killer soup from the carcass.
Talking to the turkey seemed to help...hahaha!

Yeah, my dinner was awful!  NOT!
On Friday, Larry went and had a nice visit with his brother and sister-in-law, and Mom came over for soup so we had a great visit with her too. 

Picked these this morning before the deluge hit.
The trailer did great, no issues.  We want to get new foam in the seat bottoms of the banquette and sofa, but that is really about it.  Oh, and a shower head that will turn off so we don't waste water when we aren't on city water.  Oh, haha, the shower door seems to be new and is accordion-type and wouldn't stay closed, so we had to hold the door closed for each other to save the bathroom from a shower.  Overall though we are very happy with our find.

We are loving our Plexus.  We even walked in the drizzle this evening.  I have no excuse now.  I don't hurt from walking yesterday.  I'm not taking a nap because I'm pooped.  And I know it is good for me.  Plus Gracie looks forward to it.  Lord knows, we can't disappoint the DOG!   Ha ha ha. 

These last pics are from this evenings drizzly walk.
We don't get hungry now.  So now we eat because we know we must for health, but we aren't driven by hunger and cravings to snack and pork out at meals.  Wonderful!!!   Larry isn't pain free, but he figures it will take a bit more time for him to find the relief I have, though he has noticed that the pain is reduced.  Larry can even stay awake until after 10 p.m. now if he wants...tee hee.

No quick fixes here, just natural products that work to improve our quality of life!!!!  Everything we wanted and didn't believe existed.  Until now!  So excited!

No makeup so you only get a crows foot and eyebrow!

Have to share!  Our entire line is 14 products.  Fabulous, every one.

This is the label for the "Pink Drink".  Wonderful.  Once a day, so simple!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...